Prescott 5th/6th May 2007 ResultsPRESCOTT Saturday 5th /Sunday 6th May 2007 We took another record! Saturday practice was successful with times coming down throughout the day. I ended the day with 2 runs under the class record of 46.35 set by Roy Standley in 2005. Fen ended up with a PB too which was as good a provisional result as we could have wanted. Despite the predictions that we would have a wet event on the Sunday the weather held off giving us a dry track and the opportunity to press home some good times. My first run of 46.12 broke the existing record - but only just! I was concerned that given the dry conditions and the pressure on Roy Standley from the others in the class that he might just push on to endanger this new record. Fen recorded 50.51, yet another PB and was very pleased. The weather held out for us for the after-lunch runs and the track temperature came up too. Fen was first away recording an amazing 49.97, another personal best and a huge leap into the 'forties' for the first time - simply excellent! Steph watched the other class runners whilst I prepared to go out and confirmed that my first run was still a record but I wanted to repeat Saturday's times - 45.37 seconds later the job was done! The car ran faultlessly all weekend thanks to the on-site support from Keith Murray at Dialynx Performance . Enormous thanks to Stephan Lewen too for the pictures below: Entering Orchard Corner:
Orchard Corner: On the run down from Ettores to The Crossover: Pardon Hairpin: Discussing data with Keith Murray of Dialynx Performance: Our parents came to visit too: Collecting class award: Happy Fen after sub 50 second run: